Westmoreland Place

Westmoreland Place is about creativity.

After 6 years of studying the sciences in college and graduate school, Westmoreland Place came to life with the nurturing of time and space to remember the creative inside of me. (And Pinterest helped, too.) Seeing the creations of others online grew my thirst for new crafts, like quilting, and a desire to share what I made too. From crib bedding to bags, key fobs to quilts, felt banners to learning surface pattern design, since 2014 Westmoreland Place has been about this journey of leaning into a creative life.

I’m a wife and mom to 3 and I love to make things! I’ve almost always lived in Illinois but the name Westmoreland Place comes from the street I lived on in Tennessee when I realized I needed to make things. I started quilting there and turned my house upside down with paint and projects (that’s still true today) I’m a idea chaser-dreamer, working on being a finisher, drinking lots of coffee and staying up too late. I hope you find something you love here or are inspired to make something today!

Thank you for stopping by!

Photos by Lindsey Grace Photography